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Update paperwork status and fields



Allows you to update paperwork status and fields for a booking. Every location can have its own set of paperwork fields. Giving a paperwork field to a location that does not support that field will result in a 400 error with a description of the offending field. To find which paperwork fields are valid for a location, use the GET v1/partner/locations/<location_id>/paperwork-field call. The values for the paperwork fields depend on the field_type for that field.

Token scope:

{'scope': 'write:bookings'}


Path Parameters

    booking_id Booking Idrequired

    The unique identifier of the booking for which to update paperwork.



    responses Responses (string)

    A JSON object where keys are paperwork field names and values are the responses for those fields. The field names and value types should match those returned by the GET paperwork-fields endpoint for the booking's location.

    status Status (string)required

    The new status to set for the paperwork. Must be one of the valid PaperworkStatuses.


Successful operation. Returns the updated booking object.


    address_city Address City (string)
    address_state Address State (string)
    address_street Address Street (string)
    address_street_secondary Address Street Secondary (string)
    address_zip Address Zip (string)
    appointment_date Appointment Date (string)required
    birth_date Birth Date (string)required
    birth_sex Birth Sex (string)
    custom_booking_management_url Custom Booking Management Url (string)
    email Email (string)required
    emr_booking_id Emr Booking Id (string)
    first_name First Name (string)required
    gender Gender (string)
    id Id (integer)required
    is_walk_in Is Walk In (boolean)required
    last_name Last Name (string)required
    location_id Location Id (integer)required
    paperwork_status Paperwork Status (string)required
    phone Phone (string)required
    reason Reason (string)required
    status Status (string)required