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Cancel an external booking



Cancels a booking using the external booking ID reference, which is the booking reference from the external system integrated with Solv (typically an EHR/EMR). The cancellation is for a booking created at a specific external location as part of an upstream integration.

Token scope:

{'scope': 'write:bookings'}


Path Parameters

    external_booking_id External Booking Idrequired

    The unique identifier of the external booking to be cancelled.



    cancellation_reason Cancellation Reason (string)

    The reason for cancelling the booking.

    external_location_id External Location Id (string)required

    The identifier of the external location.

    service_id Service Id (string)required

    The identifier of the service integration.


Successful Response


    address_city Address City (string)
    address_state Address State (string)
    address_street Address Street (string)
    address_street_secondary Address Street Secondary (string)
    address_zip Address Zip (string)
    appointment_date Appointment Date (string)required
    birth_date Birth Date (string)required
    birth_sex Birth Sex (string)
    custom_booking_management_url Custom Booking Management Url (string)
    email Email (string)required
    emr_booking_id Emr Booking Id (string)
    first_name First Name (string)required
    gender Gender (string)
    id Id (integer)required
    is_walk_in Is Walk In (boolean)required
    last_name Last Name (string)required
    location_id Location Id (integer)required
    paperwork_status Paperwork Status (string)required
    phone Phone (string)required
    reason Reason (string)required
    status Status (string)required